Mirai Nikki – The Twelve Diary Holders

Mirai Nikki. It started out as quite a famous manga and now adapted into an anime. Mirai Nikki ended a few weeks ago and it was awesome, and the plot really lingered on in my mind for quite a while, so I guess I’ll do this, somehow as maybe a recap to the whole series.

**SPOILER ALERT**: I’ll also be writing background information about each character, their personalities and stuff so if you haven’t finished mirai nikki or don’t want spoilers you may not want to read this.

First,  Amano Yukiteru

Character: Amano Yukiteru. The lonely, stereotyped protagonist.
Diary: Random Diary (Records anything that happens around him)
Death by: —— (doesn’t die. becomes God in the end.)
Thoughts: It is amazing to see the change he goes through as the story progresses. (how he changes from someone worthless to become someone that will actually fight for his own beliefs) However, he is quite the stereotyped protagonist everyone sees. However, though I may dislike him, without a character like him the survival game wouldn’t be the same anymore.

Second, Gasai Yuno

Character: Crazy Yandere, stalks Yuki all day long, enough said.
Diary: Yukiteru Diary (Records everything that Yukiteru does)
Death by: Killed by Yuno from first world (second world Yuno), Stabs herself (first world Yuno)
Thoughts:  Amazing character. We are introduced to Yuno’s screwed up mind right from the start and later discovers what happened to her in the first world that caused her to act like this. Everybody’s going to like Yuno one point or another. Without her, the game wouldn’t have ended how it will be like. Everyone will just kill each other, someone wins, end of story. But no. There is Yuno.

Third, Takao Hiyama

Character: Serial Murderer
Diary: Murder Diary (Records all the murders he will commit)
Death by: Yuki damaging his diary with a dart
Thoughts: One thing I don’t get is why is he a teacher that is related to First. But anyway, he was the first one to die. I don’t really have much feelings for this character.

Fourth, Kurusu Keigo

Character: Police Detective
Diary: Criminal Investigation Diary (Records all the crimes that will be committed)
Death by: Shot by Yuki (or Yuno?) (I’m not sure about this… It’s been a long time since I watched that arc)
Thoughts: The tragic hero of the story. Dies because or his love for his dying son. Feels sorry for him, he have lots of potential to become someone great, but he died anyway.

Fifth, Reisuke Houjou

Character: Parents killed, hopes to become God because of his idea of becoming an “elite”
Diary: Hyper Vison Diary (In the form of a colouring book, records everything that happens during morning, afternoon and night)
Death: Stabbed by Yuno
Thoughts:  He was quite amazing I thought. Mirai Nikki is made more interesting with the presence of many warped minds, belonging to even the most unlikely of people. This guy is only a child, but he wants to take revenge on Yuno (most probably) for killing his parents.

Sixth, Tsubaki Kusugano

Character: Born with an eyesight defect, the leader of a cult
Diary: Clairvoyance Diary (In a form of a scroll, Records anything her followers tell her)
Death: Took a dart into her diary by Yuki
Thoughts: Somehow, when the anime tells me how she was led into a leading a cult (some guy planted a bomb in her parents’ car, killed them, then used followers to rape her, in the belief that it will cleanse their sins), I felt very sorry for her. I have this thing against rape, so  I felt really sad for her. She could been better had fate not been such a bitch to her.

Seventh, Marco Ikusaba and Ai Mikami

Character: Ai was abandoned at some place at a young age, Marco found her and befriended her (he’s also an orphan), share a close relationship since then
Diary: Exchange Diary (Actually in the form of two handphones, each of them have one. Both sees what’s gonna happen to each other in the future )
Death: Ai died from blood loss, Marco died together with her when the building they were in collapsed
Thoughts: Quite a touching love story actually. And the fact that how they died together makes this really strong.

Eighth, Kamado Ueshita

Character: Takes care of an Orphanage, wants to become God to make world a better place for children. (Actually she didn’t want to become god herself, its the children that she takes care of want her to become God.)
Diary: Blog Diary (A server which she can allow people in, and they can be apprentice diary holders)
Death: Stuck a knife into the throat by Yuno
Thoughts: This character is more a pawn used by people rather than an actual character. Still, her diary is powerful but has weakness (eleventh blasted some high frequency waves, cuts of all telecommunications).

Ninth, Uryuu Minene

Character: Terrorist (In one of the episodes we can see minene’s childhood. Apparently she was orphaned, she had to live a tough live in a war stricken city, stealing food and running everyday)
Diary: Escape Diary (Details her escape plan)
Death: ???? (Was actually gonna blow herself up when her heart stopped beating, but dues revived her)
Thoughts: Quite an amazing character. There’s something about minene that everybody loves. It’s kinda sad that she ended up (died?) in this way but she’s a really great character. Amazing anti hero? I guess?

Tenth, Karyuudo Tsukishima

Character: Very fond of dogs, takes care of them till he neglects his family
Diary: Breeder Diary (have the ability to control his dogs with voice command)
Death: Shot my Fourth
Thoughts: His more of a lonely guy in my opinion.

Eleventh, John Balks

Character: Someone who is caught up in the advancement the human species care about anything else
Diary: Watcher Diary (ability to read other diary users’ diary entries, including apprentice diary user entries)
Death: Killed by First World Yuno when he trapped himself in a vault of the Gasai bank
Thoughts: One of the last people to die. Quite the Nazi, using unscrupulous means to promote human superiority.

Twelfth, Yomotsu Hirasaka

Character: A blind man with a very strong sense of justice. He dresses himself up when he’s in the justice mode – with a grotesque eye mask and a toy transfromation belt.
Diary: Justice Diary (In a form of a voice recorder. He’s blind, so this voice recorder will tell him what righteous acts he will do in the future)
Death: Killed himself in a futile attempt when he tried to explode himself, first, second, and sixth, with a bomb from ninth. He died when Yuno slashed him and threw him into the pool.
Thoughts: He’s a very amazing character in my opinion.  It’s a pity he died so early into the show. But at least in the third world, he got what he wanted when he successfully apprehended Third and handed him to the police.

Well, I guess that’s about it. If anyone was wondering who is the girl in the yellow hoodie in the first picture it’s the thirteenth diary holder, who only appears in the PSP game of Mirai Nikki.

11 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Mirai nikki coool on October 3, 2012 at 8:32 pm

    omg sossoo fake u can see its animated its not real -___-


  2. Posted by Answer the question! on May 23, 2013 at 3:53 pm

    Does the 13th diary holder die?


  3. Posted by dunno on June 26, 2014 at 4:33 am

    Fourth was shot by yuki then fourth himself broke his diary(phone) but he was already pretty much died when yuki shot him.


  4. Posted by Michael Wilson on September 8, 2014 at 2:11 pm

    Uryuu Minene didn’t die in the end. She ended up married to the cop in the 3rd World.


  5. Posted by Angelina on September 6, 2015 at 7:38 pm

    Minene (Ninth) Died by breaking her diary, If you are confused, well if one diary holder has their diary broken they will immediately have an unavoidable DEAD END. But if an Apprentice breaks their Diary, they will still stay alive.


  6. Posted by Submo on February 19, 2016 at 5:03 am

    The First World Yuuki dies because of the medicine that him and The First World Yuno were supposed to swallow together, but World 1 Yuno tricked Word 1 Yuuki by not swallowing it instead.


  7. Posted by Submo on February 19, 2016 at 5:04 am

    Yuki not Yuuki my bad.


  8. Wait no Yuki has the future diary not the random diary


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