Japanese Sweets and Snacks!

Just recently came back from a trip to Japan with some friends, and brought back some snacks I wanted to try out, partly inspired by the animu Dagashi Kashi being the typical weab I am.

Didnt managed to find everything I wanted to try, meh. But here are the stuff that I managed to find!

1. Umai-Bo  (or corn/wheat sticks)

I actually won this at some arcade game. Didn’t manage to find the humongous sakura one as shown in the animu. They do come in mainly the doraemon characters packaging.

Tastes like a mega crunchy potato chip. In Singapore here there actually is a counterpart (as shown below) to this sold in small ‘mama’ shops that don’t taste as powdery. Used to buy these all the time as a child for 20 cents per packet.

2. Felix Gum

Apparently one of the ingredients is rumored to be whale blubber back in the past. Tried googling to find out the origin of this iconic gum but cant really find much.

They came in these little cute packaging. It tastes a little bit bubblegum flavored (the same flavor as the bubblegum flavored jellybeans) and a little artificial. Did not really taste as great as I expected but worth trying, I guess.
3. Baby Star Ramen

Bought a ton of these because I absolutely loved them! They come in single strips like these (which I personally prefer) or sheets in bigger packages. Heard about how people over the internet tried putting them in hot water to make instant ramen, so went to try it out too.

Really cannot fathom why people will do this (Dagashi Kashi included). The noodles become soft, and all the seasoning gets dissolved in the water, making it some sort of diluted soy sauce soup. Personally do not like the taste and think it spoils the snack. Still, worth trying for the experience.
4. Yoguret

One of the snacks I really wanted to try out because of the anime. The moment I opened the packet, a whiffy smell of yogurt hit me.

They really do come in medicine-esque tablet pills and you could really play doctor as a kid with these. It has the sweety yogurety taste. This should have been in my childhood man. In Singapore there is only those powdery plum pills that taste bland which I ate as a kid.
5. Ramune Candies

Wanted to buy the ramune whistle but didnt actually managed to find it. I’ve only been touring around Tokyo anyway, so did not really have much places to look for all these snacks other than convenience stores and Daiso. Not sure if this is the same as ramune whistle, but the feeling of having this in your mouth is greatly… underwhelming. The whole candy just dissolves in your mouth in a matter of seconds. Its like someone turned you on and left halfway.
6. The 300m Candy

Why is it marketed as a running athlete? Because one candy gives you enough energy to run 300m! An interesting fact I love to share randomly with my other friends.

They are heart shaped, and the box on top actually contained some eraser toy. This candy actually taste like a toffee, the taste, texture and chewiness included.
7. Kitkat

There are actually a lot of flavored kitkats in Japan so it is no surprise I bought some back with me.


1. Tokyo Banana

These are regular banana cakes filled with some banana paste. Really expensive (costs around $1.50 for this) but worth bringing back for gifts or eating because it is really nice. You can buy some at Narita Airport even inside the duty free area.

2. Ginza Strawberry Cake

This tastes really quite standard but it is still quite nice. Also the same as Tokyo banana, can be bought at the airport.

Well, guess that concludes this post. Really wanted to try pickled radish straight from the package itself, but did not managed to find any. Also did not managed to find those powdered drink mix and beer. Maybe next time I’ll try finding more when I go again.

Senbon(z?)akura Miku Nendo! (+ending the hiatus on this blog)

Hello my fellow comrades.

So i have decided to start writing again because somehow i picked up animu (seriously) again. Not to say the last two years of haitus i have not been going about with the fandom, but i stopped writing because i sorta grew bored of the series then. (Too much moeblob and fanservice trash up till the point i actually got disgusted at all these stuff -i still am- but i guess i have grown to accept it) But this is not the main point of this post.

So… recently i have bought a nendo from AFA’s GSC booth. (Their stuff is really cheap, but no shit, because they are the flagship store.) Just couldn’t resist because i never see cheap nendos nowadays anymore. (Wanted to get the high school playset but it was sold out T.T)


1)it looks cool (pre/post war shit always look so retro)
3)nendo (dont have display space at home, so i resorted to buying nendos to play and take pics. They are keepable anyway)
->immediately buy.

Looks pretty at first glance. The colour of the hair is slightly different from other mikus though, but still looks awesome.


Awesome thing is that you can capture her hair blowing in a certain wind direction.


Them military uniforms. She actually looks way cooler with a hat, even cooler than my kud.




The awesome shots u can make by creating a direction of wind through her hair and sleeves.


Hello people!




Front view.


Im flyin!!!


Random collapsed bicycle to show the nonconformism


Just noticed this. The bike is quite cool, there is a sakura shaped pattern on its wheel.


Adding in more random stuff to make the jumpshot look more full.


She looks so happy wwwww


I also bought an empty face at the GSC booth just for the sake of trying out how my nendos will look like. Really creepy.

Come join the dark side all you people!!


The bicycle looks better in front than behind.


Miku still the best

Generally a nice nendo, and worth if you looking to do those wind shots (her hair can be played around with quite abit, compared to my other nendos). The color is quite unique also, as it gives off the pre/post war feels through its fadedness. Not sure if it will fit in any theme if you are going to do a photoshoot, but still nice to have.

Anyway, I will try update this page regularly especially when i get new daughters, but not so often like other more on animu blogs. (I am after all the only editor in this blog)

Until then! じゃね!

Happy CNY!

Sorry for not posting for long. Kinda busy recently so I’ll limit my posting. It’s still chinese new year (初四) by the way.

So I took my sakura miku (bought in taiwan at some side shop) to take photos.

Bootleg though, but I am getting the legit one soon. 🙂ImageImage



AFA loot!

So here’s the loot from AFA. Mainly Badges. A lot of badges. >.< And that Scilica shirt from the SAO booth.

Phone straps from CDS. I drew 3, then traded the Kirito one with my friend for his LE badges. I really want the Lyfa one though…

CDS Badges.

Badges from the SAO shop. There were actually 8 different designs, but they are all in blind packs, so I drew 5, and luckily they were all different. Would have bought all 8 if they sold it without blind packs though.

Some other random badges from the doujin booths. Practically spent my last $20 all over here. I’m using the Yandere one on my bag though. :S

So now I have lots of badges. And I keep them all in one big plastic bag. Any ideas on how I can put them in an album for display or something anyone?

Anime Festival Asia 2012

Usually in the past years, I would go for 2 days but this year I only went for day 1, as the ticket prices have increased and I can’t really afford it.

But anyway, Day 1 was a real busy day (queues queues everywhere) so I didn’t have time to take pictures of cosplayers. Usually day 2 is reserved for taking pictures since I’m less busy then (most of the popular merchandises are sold out).

Even though I arrived at 8.00am, I still managed to be one of the first to get in. My friend who arrived at 6.30am also got in the same time as me. Which was why a lot of people were raging. Poor queue coordination = coming at 6.30 has lost its meaning. Well I benefited from it anyway. 🙂

So I immediately went to CDS booth (They are quite a popular local doujin group, check out their fb page here: https://www.facebook.com/cds.sg?fref=ts) while my friend went to SAO booth. And we still queued 3 hours for SAO stuff. ._.

Some pictures I took while waiting in the ridiculously long SAO queue. (Seriously, SAO is overrated. I’ll share my thoughts about this in another post)

Lyfa, favourite character from ALO. ❤

That Elucidator and Dark Repulsor. In SAO booth.

Met some friends, went for lunch, and then got to stage. So many Lisa fanguys. And FLOW appeared for the Eureka Seven AO special. The only pictures I took though, were the cosplay competition. Very sorry for the poor quality. Iphone camera. :/


It’s Heathcliff covered in a shiny burst of light! Effect not intended though. Camera screwed up while taking this picture.

Kuroyukihume cosplay was awesome too.

That’s one badass P4 cosplay.

That girl who won first prize.

Didn’t really have time to walk around until, after the event, and since most of the cosplayers were already gone, I took pictures of displays. :/

Some IS stuff.

Quite a nice figure.

Frankly speaking, in my opinion, these AW figmas don’t really look nice. They look rather plain to me.


This was the time where I managed to walk around the whole exhibition area, where there was almost no crowd.

Culture Japan Booth! Posters a bit tattered though.

Didn’t notice there was this big plushie booth.

Maid and Butler cafes.

Well, it’s kinda sad I can’t afford to go to the concert this year.

Favourite girl from Madoka. ❤


SAO booth. Cleaned out.

Well, then I saw the amazing Madoka scale figure on display. Most beautiful figure I have ever seen. Releasing Winter 2013. If I have enough by then I may get it.

I’ll just have to settle for a nendo if I have no funds. T.T

Paper art!

And here’s my pathetic loot from AFA. Will do a more detailed post on it later. I’m such a badge tard. OAO


Well, found myself getting more and more busy nowadays (because of upcoming O level exams)

So, I’m proclaiming this blog on hiatus (somewhat) until my exams end…
Which is somewhere right after AFA. (which I’m going only on SAT 😦 )

I’m real sorry though, but I’ll post whenever I can find time between studying breaks…